
Monday, 13 May 2013

writing T2W2

This week we are focusing on procedural writing.We are beginning the literacy cycle with planning this is our group brainstorm for possible ideas to write a procedure for.Our audience is Y4-6 classes come back to see my final piece of writing on friday

Friday, 10 May 2013

My Group Reading Goals for Term 2

We used our e-asTTle pathways to decide on four group reading goals for this term.  I am in the Geronimo Stiltons group.  We have decided we want to work on:
  • Responding using our understanding and information from the text.
  • Making links between verbal and visual information
  • Identification and understanding of main ideas.
  • Making inferences.
  • Knowledge of vocabulary.

Group Motivational Topic Experiment

Metaphor Practice

Maths language


Today we worked with our buddy class to help publish their work. My buddy was Alyssa. Check out her awesome stories! I helped Alyssa draw her own illustrations using Tux-Paint on my netbook.

We will walk to the pool.We will walk inside of the pool.

We are going on the computer with my friend I share with them they share with me I share with them on the computer.

I am the baker that looks after the food.

I am the shop keeper.
I am the book bag girl

Jonive Autobiography

Ancestral Poetry

I am a Sa-Maori boy
Out in Auckland
Brown fellow
Wishing to achieve my highest dream
To become a UFC fighter on T.V
Brown fellow.

My dad’s waka is Mataatua and
My mum’s waka is boeing 747 from Samoa

I can hear the crackling of the fire
Sizzle, pop, crack goes the fire wood as it gets swallowed up by the hot fire.
Swish, pitter ,patter is the sound coming from the water as it crashes onto the paper.
Hissssss goes the steam as we lay the food to rest beneath the red hot rocks.
Hisssss goes the steam as it disappears beneath the papers
Swooosh goes the banana leaves as our Umu is laid to rest.

I am a Sa-Maori boy from Auckland